Microelements during the swelling of prostate
The aim of the research. We have a detailed representation of the results of our analysis of 21 microelement’s concentration in blood of patients with different forms of pathology of the prostate. We haven’t succeeded in finding similar works on great amount of microelements in prostate cancer and prostate precancer. This work is made in the clinics of urology, on the chairs of urology and biochemistry and in heavy metals diagnosis laboratory of nephrology, medical and professional diseases clinics (of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University).
About the Authors
P. V. GlybochkoRussian Federation
MD, corresp. member of RAMS, prof., director of the Research centre of uronephrology and reproductive health, rector
D. V. Butnaru
Russian Federation
PhD, urologist of the chair of urology
E. G. Zezerov
Russian Federation
Doctor of biological sciences, academician of RANS, prof. of the chair of biochemistry
Yu. G. Alyaev
Russian Federation
MD, corresp. member of RAMS, prof., honored scientist of RF, head of the chair of urology
S. E. Severin
Russian Federation
Doctor of chemistry, corresp. member of RAMS, prof., head of the chair of biochemistry
G. K. Barashkov
Russian Federation
Doctor of chemistry, lecturer, biologist of the department of laboratory diagnostics of heavy metals
V. A. Varshavsky
Russian Federation
MD, prof. of the chair of pathological anatomy
A. Z. Vinarov
Russian Federation
MD, prof. of the chair of urology
E. A. Bezrukov
Russian Federation
MD, lecturer of the chair of urology
E. V. Osipov
Russian Federation
PhD, lecturer of the chair of biochemistry
L. I. Zaitzeva
Russian Federation
head of the department of of laboratory diagnostics of heavy metals
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