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Automated analysis of intestinal polyps images


Using image analysis software calculates the distribution of points of polyp bowel picture brightness and color, as well as the rate of brightness and color gradients. Next, using statistical analysis founds connection with clinical indicators of image characteristics. It was found that the calculated characteristics allow to determine accurately the diagnosis. 

About the Authors

I. V. Yarema
Moscow Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Yevdokimov
Russian Federation

MD, corresp. member of RAS, honored scientist of Russia, dean of the medical faculty

A. N. Gerasimov
I.M. Sechenov First MSMU
Russian Federation

Andrej Nikolaevich Gerasimov, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate prof., head of the chair of medical informatics and statistics

8-2 Trubetskaya str., Moscow, 119991

tel.: 8 (905) 550-50-84

N. F. Lebedeva
City Clinical Hospital № 5 of the Department of Health of Moscow
Russian Federation

PhD, head of the Endoscopy Department


O. M. Kharkova
City Clinical Hospital № 5 of the Department of Health of Moscow
Russian Federation

endoscopist of Endoscopy department

A. A. Atayan
I.M. Sechenov First MSMU
Russian Federation

PhD, assistant of the chair of hospital surgery № 2


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ISSN 2218-7332 (Print)
ISSN 2658-3348 (Online)