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Clinical advantages of cad-cam-fabricated full-arch fixed implant-supported monolithic zirconia dental prosthesis with digital modelling of the occlusion surfaces 10.47093/2218-7332_2018.3.41-48


The purpose of the study was to assess the quality of the functionality of CAD-CAM full-arch fixed implant-supported monolithic zirconia dental prostheses with digital modelling of the occlusal surface. We conducted a clinical (external examination, examination of the oral cavity and prostheses, muscle palpation) and paraclinical examination of 20 patients (of them men - 61.3%, women - 38.7%) aged 41-77 years (57.19±9.05). Prostheses were based on 237 implants Nobel Replace/Select/Groovy, Nobel Parallel CC. The number of supports for one prostheses was from 6 to 10, which averaged 7.64±1.08. ZICERAM, PRETTAU ZIRCONIA were used for creating CAD-CAM full-arch fixed implant-supported monolithic zirconia dental prostheses. To record the biopotentials of the masticatory muscles, the electroneuromyographic system "Synapsis" with surface electrodes was used. Electronic registration of movements of the mandible was carried out on an electronic axiograph "CADIAX 3 diagnostic", using the software "Gamma Dental Software". Statistical processing of the data was carried out using a PC in an Excel 2016 using the IBM SPSS Statistics 23 statistical software package. The survival rate was 100% for implants and prostheses. Additional in vitro and clinical studies will be required for more scientific analysis of the criteria for design of this type of prosthesis to minimize all types complications.

About the Authors

R. A. Rozov
I.P.Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; City Dental Clinic №33
Russian Federation

V. N. Trezubov
I.P.Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation

A. Pozzi
Augusta University
Russian Federation


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