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RETRACTED: Philosophical and methodological aspects of scientific revolutions in science in physics teaching in medical schools



The paper attempts to review the scientific revolution in physics of the XVII-th century in the context of the ideas put forward and justified in the book of Western philosopher Thomas Kuhn «The Structure of Scientific Revolutions». The main focus is on the process of creation of Newtonian mechanics as the antipode of the mechanics of Aristotle and Ptolemy system of the world. Illustrating this thesis Kuhn as a «paradigm shift anomaly», «duration of a paradigm shift», «constructive scientific crisis», «open-type theory indused» and others. The philosophical views of Newton as a system are analyzed.

About the Authors

O. E. Baksansky
I.M. Sechenov First MSMU
Russian Federation

Oleg Evgenievich Baksansky, prof. of the chair of theory and technology of learning in higher school

2/10 B. Pirogovskaya str., Moscow, 119991

Tel.: 8 (499) 248–06–29

A. V. Korzhuev
I.M. Sechenov First MSMU
Russian Federation

Doctor of pedagogics, prof. of the chair of medical and biological physics


1. Kuhn T.S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions / transl. from English. M. «Mir». 1961.

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3. Vavilov S.I. Collected Works. Vol. 3. M. «Nauka». 1956.

4. Science. The great theories: Vol. 2: The most attractive force of nature. Newton. The law of gravity / transl. from Spanish by A.D. Guardeno. M. «De Agostini». 2015.

5. Gleick J. Isaak Newton. Barcelona, RBA. 2005.

6. Dirac P.A.M. Lectures on Quantum Field Theory / transl. from English. M. «LENAND». 2011.

7. Kuhn T.S. The function of measurement in modern physical science. «Isis». 1961.

8. Baksansky O.E., Korzhuev A.V. The crisis of the classical paradigm in physics. M. «LENAND». 2014.


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ISSN 2218-7332 (Print)
ISSN 2658-3348 (Online)