
Sechenov Medical Journal

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The article focuses on the history of the chair of pharmaceutical technology of the faculty of pharmacy of the I.M. Sechenov First MSMU since its inception as a structural unit of the Moscow pharmaceutical institute in 1934 to the present days. It shows the contribution of the chair to improvement of the quality of drugs manufactured in pharmacies and at the industrial enterprises, the development of new dosage forms, the improvement of technology of industrial production of drugs.

About the Authors

I. I. Krasnyuk
The I.M. Sechenov First MSMU
Russian Federation

Doctor of pharmacy, prof., head of the chair of pharmaceutical technology, dean of pharmaceutical faculty

S. A. Skatkov
The I.M. Sechenov First MSMU
Russian Federation

PhD, associate prof. of the chair of pharmaceutical technology


1. Novikova A.A. From the history of higher pharmaceutical education in the USSR — the history of the Moscow Pharmaceutical Institute (Faculty) (1936–1989). — M., 1989. — 31 p.

2. Novikova A.A. From the history of higher pharmaceutical education in the USSR // Farmaciya. — 1988. — № 1. — P. 60–64.

3. 225 years to the I MMI named after I.M. Sechenov. 1765– 1990 years. — M.: Medicinskaya enciklopedia, 1990. — P. 327–334.

4. Sboeva S.G., Loskutova E.E., Lagutkina T.P. Annals of the Russian pharmacy. XX-th century. — M., 2000. — P. 117, 141, 144.

5. Figures of medical science and health care — the staff and pupils of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. Biographical Dictionary. 1758–2008 years / Ed. By Paltsev M.A., Stochik A.M., Zatravkin S.N. — M.: Publ. house «Shiko», 2008. — P. 88–89, 284, 457, 554.

6. The development of medical science in the First Moscow Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov / Ed. by Banshchikov V.M. — M.: Medicina, 1968. — P. 427.


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ISSN 2218-7332 (Print)
ISSN 2658-3348 (Online)