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The information about condition as a part of the problem of municipal urgent ENT-help for public of Russian Federation is interesting for practicing physicians. The more often causes of nasal bleeding and organizing problems by their treatment are studied. Contemporary methods of treatment of those diseases are presented. With the aim considerable the improvement quality of medical help for patients by this type of urgent ENT-pathology and the organization roads of decision of this problem are proposed.

About the Authors

V. I. Morokhoev
Hospital № 1
Russian Federation

Valentin Irincheevich Morokhoev, PhD, honoured doctor of the Russian Federation, head of the ENT-Department

PO Box 1913, Bratsk, 665727

Tel.: +7 (914) 948–13–53

V. M. Aksyonov
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Russian Federation

MD, prof. of the chair of otorhinolaryngology


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2. Kozlov V.S. New method and devices for diagnosis and treatment of paranasal sinusitis // J. Jap. Rhinol. Soc. 1991; 30 (1): 336.

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4. Krzukov A.I. Application of polyvinylpyrrolidone films for nasal tamponade // Vestn. otorinolaringol. 2006; 1: 28–30.

5. Morokhoev V.I. Errors in the early diagnosis of malignant tumors of the sinuses of the ethmoid bone // Vestn. otorinolaringol. 1990; 5: 60–64.

6. Morokhoev V.I. Intranasal surgery. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 2008. 144 p.

7. Morokhoev V.I. Organization and regional standards of otolaryngology. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 2011. 192 p.


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ISSN 2218-7332 (Print)
ISSN 2658-3348 (Online)