
Sechenov Medical Journal

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No 3 (2013)
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5-6 163

This article deals with the history of creation of pharmaceutical faculty of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. The continuity of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical Institute academic traditions of the XIX-th century which was approved in teaching of Moscow Pharmaceutical Institute is analyzed.

7-13 244

The chair of pharmacology, faculty of pharmacy of the I.M. Sechenov First MSMU formed the Moscow school of teaching pharmacology at the Institute of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Institute, is a prestigious scientific pharmaceutical center. The article traces the course of the founders of the national schools of pharmacology (I.M. Dogel, N.P. Kravkov and others) developed by leading scientists (V.V. Nikolaev, M.P. Nikolaev, A.N. Kudrin) who worked at the department and created new scientific schools. The authors note the continuity of scientific traditions in the activities of the department in the course of its history. The information on the search for new approaches to the training of pharmacy, results of solving of some major issues of pharmacology are cited, which were the notable contribution of faculty in the biological and medical science.

14-21 225

The article under review is devoted to the history of the chair of pharmacognosy of the faculty of pharmacy of the I.M. Sechenov First MSMU since its inception at the medical faculty of the Imperial Moscow University to the present days. The article shows the names of scientists who led the chair during the entire period of its existence, made a significant contribution to the development of new scientific directions of the chair, as well as the role of the chair in the formation of native pharmacognosical school.

22-28 263

The article focuses on the history of the chair of pharmaceutical technology of the faculty of pharmacy of the I.M. Sechenov First MSMU since its inception as a structural unit of the Moscow pharmaceutical institute in 1934 to the present days. It shows the contribution of the chair to improvement of the quality of drugs manufactured in pharmacies and at the industrial enterprises, the development of new dosage forms, the improvement of technology of industrial production of drugs.

29-35 231

This article deals with the history of creation of the chair of analytical, physical and colloidal chemistry of pharmaceutical faculty. The main historical stages which are connected with association of chairs of the general and inorganic chemistry, physical and colloidal chemistry, analytical chemistry are considered. The main directions of research work of chairs are analyzed and also activity of scientific schools is studied.

36-40 170

The aim of this work is to evaluate maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnancy in the appointment of micronutrient support for preventive purpose. The authors retrospectively studied 337 women with risk factors and without them. Healthy pregnant women took multivitamins (82,53%) during 22,4 weeks on the average and women with risk factors (69,1%) on 3 weeks smaller. The frequency of complications during pregnancy did not differ significantly. Fetal hypotrophy observed in 3% and 8,8%. Significant differences in neonatal assessment scale (V. Apgar) were not revealed. Congenital anomalies of newborns did not determine. It is necessary to refuse a polypharmacy. The strategy of choice of these drugs should be based on the results of evidence-based medicine.

41-47 249

In this work the brief history of the origin of medical biotechnology and characteristics of their overall development with a correlation of biotechnology scientific advances in genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology and cell biology, as well as the chemical and information technology, robotics, are given. The author emphasizes that biomedical engineering is interdisciplinary, aimed at improving knowledge in engineering, biology and medicine including the use of technical approaches to solve pressing health problems. The article makes it possible to characterize the current state of development of biotechnology in the world, playing a key role in expanding the range of medical science and the creation of new types of high-tech medical care.


48-53 155


The review researches on a case of a virus encephalitis associated with a cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus. Diagnostics of encephalitis is based on definition of specific antibodies to a virus of herpes and a cytomegalovirus in blood. Anamnesis data: the patient of 46 years, at the age of 20 years the patient transferred attack of varicella-zoster virus with localization in a face, till 39 years of herpetic virus attacks wasn’t, during the period from 43 to 45 years neurologic manifestations in the form of a lung left-side hemiparesis gradually began to accrue. To 46 years have a herpetic throat infection. MRI: diff use hyperintense lesion of white substance; the evoke potentials of different modalities and eye — normal. Immunological status: the antibodies of a class G to a cytomegalovirus was 39,66 E/ml is raised, at repeated research in 1 month is noted increase of a caption of antibodies of a class G to a cytomegalovirus to 200,4 AE/ml, and the caption of antibodies to a virus of simple herpes of I type to 7,51 E/ml is raised. Against continuous therapy by anti-virus preparations (valtrex, famvir) it is received positive dynamics of clinical manifestations, is absent negative dynamics on MRI.


54-60 149

This paper describes a comprehensive study of and approaches to the diagnosis of the different phases of disease and inflammation caused by infectious endocarditis.

61-68 381

The article deals with the development of methods of diagnostics of bronchial asthma with pecilomycotic etiology of the disease and to optimize therapy with systemic antifungal drugs.

69-75 180

This article deals with the problem of development of early signs system of dental wedge-shaped defects and their classification according to the localization and clinical manifestations.

76-79 149

Many indicators of blood analysis vary considerably depending on the age of a child. Borderline values can be taken for pathology and a doctor can assign treatment, refer to a hematologist and delay vaccination of a child. To determine the possible changes in indicators of children's blood analysis the results of blood tests of certain groups of healthy children under one year were analyzed.


80-84 216

During learning, parallel with physiology of separate organs, the students get to know self-regulating functional systems, which determine homeostasis, behavioral and psychical activity. Theory of functional systems orientates the students understanding of mechanisms of steadiness of different physiology indices during different influences on organism. We consider that the theory of functional systems is a theoretical base of care of public health and has, to our mind, as the same significance as clinical training of the students.

85-90 197

This is a first part of an article which treats specialization in medicine using a system approach. Three main systemic factors (we called them discipline-making factors) are crucial for the emergence of a clinical specialty (in our case this specialty is neurosurgery): social-historical, scientific and institutional. This paper is dedicated to social-historical factor which includes level of society development (industrialization, urbanization and level of university education) and wars. The impact of World War I on subsequent birth of neurosurgery as a separate specialty in Europe and USA is demonstrated.

91-95 196

The article presents the facts of life and work of the prominent surgeon, professor, academician of RAMS M.I. Perelman. The author traces the life of the scientist, gives his memories of the professional dialogue with M.I. Perelman (consultations, meetings at conferences, etc.).


96-101 163

The prior direction of activity of the sports and health-improving camps of medical high schools is a complex of health-improving activities. Given that active rest of the students in the sport-recreation camps is organized, the management team has the opportunity to maximize the use of and, if necessary, adjust conditions affecting the communion of holidaymakers for a healthy lifestyle. Among these conditions in the first place should be called: safe rest, compliance with the students and staff of the camp discipline, a balanced diet, regular physical training, participation in cultural-mass actions and objective control of the efficiency of health-improving activities.

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ISSN 2218-7332 (Print)
ISSN 2658-3348 (Online)